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Identifying Parathyroid vs Thyroid Conditions to Optimize Thyroid Surgery

Megan Saltsgaver • Updated Mar 10, 2025 • 32 hits
Hypercalcemia, resulting from primary hyperparathyroidism, is often caused by a small parathyroid adenoma, which leads to elevated calcium in the blood. This can result in kidney stones, osteoporosis, fatigue, and cognitive changes. On the other hand, pathologies of the thyroid include goiters, cancer, and hyperthyroidism. How can such small glands cause so many issues? And what’s the best way to differentiate thyroid and parathyroid conditions in clinical practice?
Fortunately, there are new technologies and well structured diagnostic approaches that enable more thorough preoperative evaluations, ensuring underlying concurrent pathologies are identified so that surgery can be as targeted and as minimally invasive as possible. Otolaryngologist Dr. Michael Singer shares his preoperative path to ensuring adequate disease workup and proper surgical management.
This article features excerpts from the BackTable ENT Podcast. We’ve provided the highlight reel in this article, and you can listen to the full podcast below.
The BackTable ENT Brief
• A thorough preoperative lab evaluation includes serum calcium, ionized calcium, parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D, and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) levels. Identifying subtle abnormalities, such as mild hypercalcemia or concurrent thyroid dysfunction, ensures a more comprehensive surgical plan.
• Surgeon-performed ultrasound is a key imaging tool, particularly for parathyroid surgery, as it is highly sensitive for detecting adenomas and concurrent thyroid disease.
• Thyroid and parathyroid conditions frequently coexist, with about 5% of patients requiring simultaneous surgery for both. Recognizing and addressing these conditions preoperatively prevents missed diagnoses and reduces the need for additional procedures.
• A well-structured preoperative workup allows for precise surgical planning, reducing unnecessary exploration and complications. By identifying the exact pathology beforehand, surgeons can optimize patient outcomes while keeping surgeries as minimal as possible.

Table of Contents
(1) Common Pathologies of the Thyroid vs Parathyroid Glands
(2) Thyroid vs Parathyroid Lab Workup Prior to Surgery
(3) Preoperative Imaging Before Parathyroid vs Thyroid Surgery
Common Pathologies of the Thyroid vs Parathyroid Glands
Common pathologies of the thyroid and parathyroid often overlap, requiring careful preoperative evaluation. In thyroid surgery, one of the most frequent findings is thyroid nodule disease, which can be solitary or multinodular and may require further assessment through biopsy. Additionally, parathyroid conditions, such as parathyroid adenomas, can sometimes be detected incidentally when evaluating thyroid abnormalities. Vitamin D deficiency is also a significant concern, particularly in patients undergoing thyroidectomy, as it increases the risk of hypocalcemia following surgery.
In parathyroid surgery, historical approaches involved bilateral neck exploration due to a lack of preoperative imaging, often leading to unexpected thyroid findings. Today, a more informed approach helps surgeons anticipate concurrent thyroid or parathyroid disease, ensuring comprehensive management and avoiding unnecessary surprises in the operating room. Dr. Singer explains the more informed approach.
[Dr. Gopi Shah]
Can you expand a little bit? For the patients that come in for what you're working at, for example, parathyroid adenoma, and you do an ultrasound, you're also looking at the thyroid gland, what kinds of thyroid problems are you seeing? Is it just single nodules that then you have to get FNAs for? Then vice versa, the patients that come in for a thyroid problem that you're drawing labs on, you're like, "Oh, the PTH is high." What concurrent pathology or diagnosis are you also seeing?
[Dr. Michael Singer]
Yes. We'll start with just to keep it consistent with my prior comments, so just thyroid surgery. Certainly the most common thing that I see is secondary, particularly where I am at Michigan, vitamin D deficiency is insanely common. I think it's helpful in all patients to replete that. In my mind, there's really two primary reasons. This goes back to your question from before about hypoparathyroidism versus hypocalcemia.
I think that in patients who have total thyroidectomy, and are at genuine risk of hypoparathyroidism, the question with the hypoparathyroidism is do they become symptomatic and actually put at risk. We all know about tetany, "Oh my God, are they going to show up and they're not going to be able to breathe?" That's not from the hypoparathyroidism, that's from the hypocalcemia. Ultimately, and this is, studies have shown this consistently that the patients who do become hypoparathyroid, the ones who are at more at risk of becoming hypocalcemic and consequently then symptomatic are those patients who are vitamin D deficient.
Those patients, if you can replete them beforehand, there's some studies out there that suggest somehow that repleting it reduces the risk of hypoparathyroidism. I don't believe that's true. I'm not sure how that would possibly work from say a surgical perspective. If you devascularize the glands, if you traumatize the glands, they don't care whether the vitamin D is high or low. What I do think is that those patients are in fact more at risk of developing hypocalcemia as a result of the hypoparathyroidism and then becoming symptomatic. Those patients I replete for that reason.
The other reason, this may be sound strange to people, but even when I'm doing hemithyroidectomies, I like to know that level beforehand because if they have vitamin D deficiency, it's not unusual to get in there and find, guess what, enlarged parathyroid glands. You don't want to be in a situation where you go in there and you say, "Oh, look, I found enlarged parathyroid glands, the patient must have parathyroid disease too, I'm going to take these out."
To some extent it's repleting the vitamin D, to some extent it's recognizing what you're actually dealing with, but it is not unusual, particularly patients with mild hypercalcemia, where I'll see patients who've been walking around for years with mild hypercalcemia and no one's ever said, "Hey, do you know that your calcium levels are a little elevated?" I'll then check a concurrent PTH level and those patients have primary disease. In my mind, if I'm going to be going to the operating room, and someone needs to have both, you want to know that at the time you're there. You don't want to be like, "Oh, wait, I wish I had checked this beforehand. Now I don't know what to do."
To some extent, that's the same on the parathyroid surgery side of things. What I mean by that is, historically, the way parathyroid surgery was done, certainly in the age before all these imaging studies were performed, was patients were brought to the operating room, and the standard, because there was no information beforehand, was bilateral neck exploration. There was no preoperative localization that was obtained. Because of that, routinely, patients would be brought to the operating room, and in addition to finding maybe a parathyroid adenoma or parathyroid hyperplasia, people would find, "Oh, wait, here's a nodule. What is this? Is this malignant or not? Should I take this out?" Then you would see all these frozen sections being done, and then a patient maybe would end up with a hemithyroidectomy. The reality is, just like everything else, we want to go in with as much of a plan as possible. When you say like, "What thyroid disease am I finding?" Certainly the most common is thyroid nodule disease. Oftentimes, that's single disease, but sometimes it's multi-nodular disease, but certainly single nodule disease.
Then, in those patients, I go down the same pathway I would if they were presenting to me with a single thyroid nodule. Is this something that warrants biopsy? Is this something that should be at a minimum discussed with the patients? Because sometimes I mentioned it to patients and they're like, "I don't want to know about it. That's not why I came here. I came here to have parathyroid surgery. Why are you talking to me about thyroid?" That's fine. I don't want to ever say to a patient, "Oh, don't even think about it." Meanwhile, they have a thyroid cancer that I could have easily addressed at the same time.
In both cases, there are things that are just trying to give me as much information as possible before I go to the OR to know what I'm actually dealing with in a patient.
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Thyroid vs Parathyroid Lab Workup Prior to Surgery
A thorough laboratory workup before thyroid and parathyroid surgery ensures accurate diagnosis and optimal surgical planning. Key tests include serum calcium, ionized calcium, parathyroid hormone (PTH), and vitamin D levels, as subtle abnormalities in calcium metabolism may indicate underlying primary hyperparathyroidism. Ionized calcium is particularly useful in detecting hypercalcemia that may not be flagged in routine metabolic panels. Additionally, thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is checked, especially in parathyroid patients, to identify concurrent thyroid dysfunction such as hyperthyroidism or subclinical hyperthyroidism. These preoperative assessments help avoid unexpected findings in surgery and allow for more comprehensive treatment planning.
[Dr. Ashley Agan]
That makes a lot of sense. For your labs then, you've got vitamin D, PTH, are you doing ionized calcium, or just total calcium?
[Dr. Michael Singer]
At my institution, I use ionized calcium in my thyroid patients. I'm getting a basic metabolic panel. I have a serum calcium level. I get ionized calcium levels. I get a PTH, and like you said, a vitamin D level. It's interesting because there's with calcium, you have patients who are walking around and their serum calcium levels are relatively, they're in the normal range.
They're probably at the high end of the normal range, but because they're not above the high end of the normal range into abnormal, the EMR doesn't flag it, but then you'll check an ionized calcium level and that number will be elevated. In those patients, those patients have hypercalcemia and oftentimes have concurrent primary hyperparathyroidism. I actually am checking both in those patients.
[Dr. Ashley Agan]
[Dr. Michael Singer]
It's funny that you say that. Most patients who come to see me, certainly for thyroid disease already have that, but what's amazing is not all, but then yes, in my parathyroid patients, I do check a TSH level because there's patients who are walking around with either hyperthyroidism or subclinical hyperthyroidism. Again, it's just about knowing that beforehand. You just want, if like I'm going to be bringing a patient to the operating room, and they need an intervention on both thyroid, parathyroid, I want to know that. I don't like afterwards saying to a patient, "I wish we had thought of that beforehand." That is far from ideal.
[Dr. Ashley Agan]
Any other labs? Does that mostly cover it?
[Dr. Michael Singer]
Basic labs for patients.
Preoperative Imaging Before Parathyroid vs Thyroid Surgery
Preoperative imaging plays an important role in planning thyroid and parathyroid surgeries, though its necessity varies by case. For thyroid surgery, imaging is typically not required for localization, but routine lab checks for parathyroid disease are essential, as hyperparathyroidism frequently coexists with thyroid conditions. In contrast, parathyroid surgery heavily relies on imaging to identify the affected gland, with surgeon-performed ultrasound being the most consistently used modality. Ultrasound is highly sensitive for detecting smaller adenomas and is also valuable for identifying concurrent thyroid disease, which occurs in about 5% of cases. The choice of additional imaging, such as 4DCT or Sestamibi scans, depends on institutional preferences and expertise, reinforcing the importance of tailoring preoperative evaluations to each clinical setting.
[Dr. Ashley Agan]
Moving forward with the conversation, we're focusing on finding parathyroids, whether that be during a thyroid surgery or if you're looking for a parathyroid adenoma or something like that. Before we get to the surgical part, can we touch a little bit about on as you're seeing patients and work up preoperatively that helps you? For example, what imaging do you like to prepare you for surgery?
[Dr. Michael Singer]
Yes. I'm going to keep hammering on this throughout probably this conversation. I apologize in advance if that becomes annoying-
[Dr. Ashley Agan]
Hammer it.
[Dr. Michael Singer]
-to one or both of you. Really, we have to talk about what surgery are we talking about. In thyroid surgery, patient comes to me, they've got a big goiter, they've got cancer, whatever else it is. There's no consideration in my mind of getting localizing studies in those patients. That's not the goal of the surgery. Now, that being said, I will tell you that on all my thyroid patients, I still check PTH levels, I still look for hypercalcemia because it's not unusual for those patients to have concurrent primary hyperparathyroidism.
I actually routinely check those labs on all my thyroid patients looking for parathyroid disease. Now that includes surgical parathyroid disease and by that is primary or say some forms of secondary that can be reversed prior to the surgery, say vitamin D deficiency. In thyroid surgery, I'm not thinking about localizing glands preoperatively. Now that's very different obviously than in parathyroid surgery where there really has become an emphasis, at least in my mind, sometimes excessive on people trying to focus on the idea of which gland is it and can I predict that before the surgery.
In patients with primary hyperparathyroidism in my practice, the one always absolute study that I'm getting is ultrasound, and that's for two reasons. First of all, I think particularly when it's surgeon performed, ultrasound is extraordinarily sensitive for finding adenomas, but particularly smaller adenomas, ones that you won't necessarily see on whether it's a 4DCT or say Sestamibi or nuclear medicine imaging.
The other thing that I think is critical in parathyroid patients in terms of getting ultrasound is, now this is the opposite of what I said before, you want to be looking for concurrent thyroid disease. In my practice, about 5% of the patients that I operate on, I end up doing both surgeries. That's how common these diseases are to run together. People argue a lot about what's the best imaging study for parathyroid disease. You'll see, at least in my mind, endless papers on what's the best study to get.
First of all, I tell people it's institutional. We all practice in different settings, different places. There are places where patients come from, where they come with Sestamibi scans to see me and I'm like, "I don't even need to look at it. It's going to be negative." I just know that they don't do Sestamibi scans frequently enough that it's going to be a positive result. At other institutions, 4DCT is amazing and other places, Sestamibi is great, whatever it is. I don't think there's an absolute. I know that in my practice, ultrasound is extremely sensitive for parathyroid localization, but again, I think it's important to point to recognize it's also looking for concurrent thyroid disease.
Podcast Contributors
Dr. Michael Singer
Dr. Michael Singer is an otolaryngologist at Henry Ford Health in Detroit, Michigan.
Dr. Gopi Shah
Dr. Gopi Shah is a pediatric otolaryngologist and the co-host of BackTable ENT.
Dr. Ashley Agan
Dr. Ashley Agan is an otolaryngologist in Dallas, TX.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, November 19). Ep. 200 – Identifying Parathyroid Glands: Challenges & Innovations [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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