BackTable / ENT / Contributor

Dr. Madan Kandula
Dr. Madan Kandula is a practicing ENT and the founder and CEO at ADVENT in Milwaukee, WIsconsin.
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About Dr. Madan Kandula
Dr. Madan Kandula, MD was the first surgeon to perform Balloon Sinuplasty in Wisconsin, and he leads his specialty as a pioneering and visionary otolaryngologist. Board-certified in his specialty, Dr. Kandula is a thought leader for breathing and snoring/sleep apnea solutions.
Dr. Kandula majored in Religion, Cultural Anthropology, and Biological Anthropology and Anatomy at Duke University before applying to medical school. He received his medical degree from Drexel School of Medicine, and went on to complete his residency at The University of Oklahoma.
While in Oklahoma, Dr. Kandula met his wife, Gwen – an Audiologist. Upon becoming a Board-Certified Otolaryngologist, they moved to Wisconsin. They joined a practice and shortly thereafter decided to open their own.
They started ADVENT on November 1, 2004. Dr. Kandula routinely treats patients who have had previously unsuccessful surgeries and is often able to deliver better results with less invasive procedures. Whether innovating new treatments or redefining independent medical practice for the 21st century, Dr. Kandula follows a philosophy of doing better today than what was done yesterday.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Madan Kandula's practice:
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