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BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #123

Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer

with Dr. Daniel Chelius and Dr. Jeffrey Rastatter, hosted by Dr. Anthony Sheyn

In this episode of BackTable ENT, pediatric otolaryngologists Dr. Anthony Sheyn (St. Jude Children’s Hospital & Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital), Dr. Jeffrey Rastatter (Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago), and Dr. Daniel Chelius (Texas Children’s Hospital), discuss challenges and research in health equity in pediatric head and neck cancer care.

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Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer with Dr. Daniel Chelius and Dr. Jeffrey Rastatter, hosted by Dr. Anthony Sheyn on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Ep 123 Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer with Dr. Daniel Chelius and Dr. Jeffrey Rastatter, hosted by Dr. Anthony Sheyn
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, August 8). Ep. 123 – Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Daniel Chelius discusses Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer on the BackTable 123 Podcast

Dr. Daniel Chelius

Dr. Daniel Chelius is a practicing pediatric otolaryngologist with Texas Children's Hospital and an associate professor of pediatric otolaryngology, head and neck surgery at Baylor College of Medicine.

Dr. Jeff C. Rastatter discusses Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer on the BackTable 123 Podcast

Dr. Jeff C. Rastatter

Dr. Jeff C. Rastatter is a practicing head and neck surgeon and associate professor of otolaryngology at Northwestern University in Chicago.

Dr. Anthony Sheyn discusses Health Equity Research in Pediatric Head and Neck Cancer on the BackTable 123 Podcast

Dr. Anthony Sheyn

Dr. Anthony Sheyn is a practicing pediatric otolaryngoligist at Le Bonheur Children's Hospital and assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center.


First, the surgeons define the Social Determinants of Health (SDoH) and explain how studying these factors improves care. They share memories of when they first reckoned with health inequities as clinicians. For Dr. Chelius, this was during medical school, when he observed end-stage renal disease patients’ access to dialysis (and thus lifespan) depended on their insurance status, income, and education. Moving into his residency, he realized that similar forces shaped how patients accessed cancer care. As a young attending, Dr. Sheyn noticed that many of his patients missed appointments for logistical or financial reasons, which piqued his interest in characterizing how SDoH influence pediatric cancer care.

Next, the doctors discuss health equity research. Though they’re based at different institutions, the three surgeons collaborate to study how SDoH affect pediatric head and neck cancer outcomes. Dr. Rastatter shares his work identifying how different SDoH– including socioeconomic status, household composition, housing/transportation, and minority/language status – interact to affect access to cancer care. Dr. Chelius speaks to the importance of social work, advanced practice providers, and transportation services in connecting patients to care. The podcast concludes with a discussion of how tertiary care centers can better collaborate with community clinicians to ensure pediatric patients with rare cancers get the workup and treatment they need.

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