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BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #172

HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications

with Dr. Mihir Patel

In this episode, Dr. Mihir Patel, Professor of Otolaryngology at Emory University and expert in Transoral Robotic Surgery (TORS), discusses HPV-positive head and neck cancer with host Dr. Ashley Agan.

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HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications with Dr. Mihir Patel on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Ep 172 HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications with Dr. Mihir Patel
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, May 21). Ep. 172 – HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Mihir Patel discusses HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications on the BackTable 172 Podcast

Dr. Mihir Patel

Dr. Mihir Patel is an otolaryngologist head and neck surgeon and assistant professor with Emory Healthcare in Atlanta, Georgia.

Dr. Ashley Agan discusses HPV & Oropharyngeal Cancer: Evolving Insights & Implications on the BackTable 172 Podcast

Dr. Ashley Agan

Dr. Ashley Agan is an otolaryngologist in Dallas, TX.


Dr. Patel opens by briefly sharing his journey to head & neck surgery, and, more specifically, expertise in TORS. After, Dr. Patel explains the epidemiology and pathophysiology of HPV-caused cancers, which frequently present as painless neck masses. Then, Dr. Patel describes workup and treatment of these cancers. He shares surgical strategies, paying special attention to cases of unknown primary lesions. He underscores the importance of collaboration with medical and radiation oncologists, particularly given the rapid pace of treatment innovation. Finally, Dr. Agan and Dr. Patel examine how increased HPV vaccine uptake could drastically lower the burden of this disease in the coming decades.


00:00 - Introduction
05:26 - The Evolution of HPV-Related Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment
17:26 - Contemporary Diagnostics for Head & Neck Cancer
24:39 - Surgical Strategies for Unknown Primary Lesions
38:15 - The Role of ctDNA in Cancer Management
46:10 - Advancements in HPV-Driven Cancer Treatment
53:30 - The Future of Cancer Screening and Vaccination
01:01:54 - Vaccination: A Tool for Cancer Prevention


Transcript Preview

[Dr. Mihir Patel]
They were mostly white males, no smoking history. We know that's the most common risk for head and neck cancers. A lot of them were graduates of college, well-educated. She noted that many of them had more than five intimate lifetime partners throughout their life. That is how all of this transpired. That's what we see today. It has just taken off as an epidemic in some way or form, if you want to think about it. Because in 2018, the incidence of HPV-driven cancers in men surpassed HPV-driven cancers in women. It was primarily driven by oropharynx cancers.

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HPV-Related Cancer Detection: Clinical Evaluation & Diagnostic Strategies

HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment

HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer Treatment


Head and Neck Cancer Condition Overview

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