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BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #193

Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence

with Dr. Mas Takashima

Many of us continue to associate “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) with the worst moments in The Terminator, Ex Machina, or The Matrix. Others think first of the known ethical challenges of AI and the potential workforce disruption of widespread AI implementation in healthcare and beyond. Dr. Mas Takashima, AI expert and chair of Houston Methodist’s Otolaryngology Department, wants to change our lingering apprehensions around AI. In this episode, Dr. Takashima interviews his Houston Methodist colleague and guest host Dr. Omar Ahmed.

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Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Mas Takashima on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Ep 193 Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence with Dr. Mas Takashima
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, October 1). Ep. 193 – Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Mas Takashima discusses Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence on the BackTable 193 Podcast

Dr. Mas Takashima

Dr. Mas Takashima is an otolaryngologist at Houston Methodist in Houston, Texas.

Dr. Omar Ahmed discusses Revolutionizing ENT with Artificial Intelligence on the BackTable 193 Podcast

Dr. Omar Ahmed

Dr. Omar Ahmed is an Otolaryngologist and ENT Surgeon with Houston Methodist in Texas.


First, Dr. Takashima shares his journey from video gamer to sinus surgeon and advocate for AI in medicine. He explains relevant concepts such as Generative Preformed Transformer (GPT) and neural network. Then, he and Dr. Ahmed dive into applications of AI to ENT, which include (but aren’t limited to) analysis of CT images, prediction of surgical success, and screening of residency applications. They review the unique challenges of applying this powerful technology to healthcare and emphasize the importance of safeguarding patient privacy in the era of Big Data. Finally, Dr. Takashima challenges his fellow otolaryngologists and researchers to embrace this transformative technology.


00:00 - Introduction
11:43 - AI 101
23:26 - Applications of AI in Medicine
31:21 - Current & Emerging Applications of AI in ENT
33:44 - Using AI to Improve Surgical Robotics
39:09 - AI in Personalized Medicine
46:41 - AI in Medical Education
57:23 - Ethics & AI: The Need for an Updated HIPAA
01:02:20 - The Future of AI in ENT


Dr. Mas Takashima’s Houston Methodist profile:

Dr. Omar Ahmed’s Houston Methodist profile:

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