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BackTable / ENT / Podcast / Episode #99

Management of Zenker’s Diverticula

with Dr. Rebecca Howell

In this episode of BackTable ENT, Dr. Ashley Agan interviews Dr. Rebecca Howell, division chief of laryngology at University of Cincinnati, about her diagnosis and management of Zenker’s diverticulum.

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Management of Zenker’s Diverticula with Dr. Rebecca Howell on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Ep 99 Management of Zenker’s Diverticula with Dr. Rebecca Howell
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, March 28). Ep. 99 – Management of Zenker’s Diverticula [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Dr. Rebecca Howell discusses Management of Zenker’s Diverticula on the BackTable 99 Podcast

Dr. Rebecca Howell

Dr. Rebecca Howell is the division chief of laryngology at University of Cincinnati in Ohio.

Dr. Ashley Agan discusses Management of Zenker’s Diverticula on the BackTable 99 Podcast

Dr. Ashley Agan

Dr. Ashley Agan is an otolaryngologist in Dallas, TX.


First, Dr. Howell explains that Zenker’s diverticulum (ZD) is a swallowing disorder caused by abnormal outpouching in the esophagus. ZD is only a herniation of the mucosal layers instead of all three tissue layers, so it is classified as a false diverticulum. To have a diagnosis of ZD, patients must have evidence of cricopharyngeus muscle dysfunction and congenital dehiscence. Oftentimes, these patients are in their seventh decade of life and will have problems with regurgitation. Dr. Howell also explains how to distinguish ZD from other differential diagnoses such as pure cricopharyngeus muscle dysfunction and nutcracker esophagus. She notes that a typical ZD patient will have a “rising tide”, or the ability to elicit frothy secretions as they talk.

Next, the doctors discuss different surveys used to diagnose and assess ZD severity. Dr. Howell also speaks about her current prospective study to determine risk factors and prognosticators of ZD. She explains that in general, men and women are affected evenly by this condition and that endoscopy has allowed the earlier diagnosis of ZD patients. Some important factors she always asks while history taking are: previous surgeries, the patient’s motivation for pursuing surgery, and the presence of neurologic diseases. Next, the doctors discuss different imaging modalities like flexible endoscopy, barium swallow studies, EGD, and manometry. Dr. Howell sees lots of potential in the field to develop and standardize workup for ZD diagnosis. While analyzing imaging studies, she also looks for concurrent diagnoses, such as paraesophageal hernia and hiatal hernia.

Then, Dr. Howell discusses how she counsels patients about treatment options for ZD. She frames ZD as a quality of life issue instead of a necessary surgery for everyone. If her patient does not choose to pursue surgery, she makes sure that they are aware of future red flags, such as pneumonia hospitalization and unintentional weight loss. The doctors also weigh the pros and cons of using an endoscopic versus open surgical approach. Based on Dr. Howell’s studies, there is no difference between both approaches, so surgeons should choose the method they prefer more. She summarizes her endoscopic technique, including her list of equipment and how she collaborates with anesthesia providers. Finally, she summarizes her postoperative care regimen and explains how she deals with leaks, an uncommon but serious complication of ZD surgery.

Transcript Preview

[Dr. Rebecca Howell] Any patient that comes in with a swallowing problem, I certainly think that a flexible laryngoscopy is very helpful. Sometimes a stroboscopy if you're looking for closure because again these patients are usually a little bit older. Sometimes that can be beneficial just for, again, the glottic closure. I think it's important, so even when you just look with a scope, one of the things that you'll notice or that I teach my residents to look at is just saliva or mucus, like pooling of secretions.

If you see a clean throat with absolutely nothing else compared to somebody who is full of spit, you know already that they've got a problem. They've got a swallowing problem. The thing that is unique to Zenker’s, and I believe it was Moradi that actually wrote this up several years ago, he called it the rising tide. One of the things that you will oftentimes see is these frothy secretions coming up out of the UES, especially as they voice.

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Navigating Zenker’s Diverticulum: Pathophysiology & Workup

Zenker’s Diverticulum Surgery Decision Making

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Learn about Laryngology on BackTable ENT

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