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Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Procedure Prep

Learn more on the BackTable ENT Podcast

BackTable is a knowledge resource for physicians by physicians. Get practical advice on Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation and how to build your practice by listening to the BackTable ENT Podcast, reading exclusing BackTable Articles, and following the work of our Contributors.

Ep 119 Children with Complex Sleep Apnea with Dr. Javan Nation
00:00 / 01:04

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Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Podcasts

Listen to leading physicians discuss hypoglossal nerve stimulation on the BackTable ENT Podcast. Get tips, tricks, and expert guidance from your peers and level up your practice.

Episode #119


In this episode of BackTable ENT, Dr. Javan Nation, a pediatric otolaryngologist from Rady’s Children Hospital in San Diego, joins Dr. Shah to speak about the assessment and management of children with complex obstructive sleep apnea.

Episode #51


In this episode we talk with Dr. Matthew Hensler about Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation for treating Adult Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), including how he learned the procedure, patient selection, procedure tips, and advice on building a successful program.

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Articles

Read our exclusive BackTable ENT Articles for quick insights on hypoglossal nerve stimulation, provided by physicians for physicians.

An illustration depicting the placement of a hypoglossal nerve stimulator.

After hypoglossal nerve stimulation surgery, patients can expect to work with their doctor to maximize the device’s efficacy and minimize side effects. Learn more!

The backtable setup for a hypoglossal nerve stimulator surgery.

Hypoglossal nerve stimulation surgery offers obstructive sleep apnea patients an alternative treatment if a CPAP machine is ineffective. Learn about patient candidacy, technique, & device limitations.

Disclaimer: The Materials available on are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosing and treating patients. The opinions expressed by participants of the BackTable Podcast belong solely to the participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of BackTable.



Children with Complex Sleep Apnea with Dr. Javan Nation on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation for Adult OSA with Dr. Matthew Hensler on the BackTable ENT Podcast)
Balloon Sinuplasty: Evolution, Efficacy & Expert Insights with Dr. Ayesha Khalid on the BackTable ENT Podcast)


An illustration depicting the placement of a hypoglossal nerve stimulator.

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Surgery, Part 2: Postoperative Care, Device Settings & Side Effects

The backtable setup for a hypoglossal nerve stimulator surgery.

Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation Surgery, Part 1: Candidacy, Technique & Device Limitations


Dr. Matthew Hensler on the BackTable ENT Podcast

Dr. Matthew Hensler

Dr. Javan Nation on the BackTable ENT Podcast

Dr. Javan Nation

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