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BackTable / Industry / Podcast / Episode #88

Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid

with Dr. Ruchika Talwar and Anish Parikh

What is the true role of the physician in today's rapidly changing healthcare landscape, and how do payment structures affect physician incentives? In this episode of Backtable Industry, urologist Dr. Ruchi Talwar and entrepreneur Anish Parikh discuss the state of the current healthcare system, including the frustrating aspects of payment models and incentives that lead to high costs and poor outcomes.

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Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid with Dr. Ruchika Talwar and Anish Parikh on the BackTable Industry Podcast)
Ep 88 Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid with Dr. Ruchika Talwar and Anish Parikh
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2025, March 4). Ep. 88 – Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Ruchika Talwar discusses Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid on the BackTable 88 Podcast

Dr. Ruchika Talwar

Dr. Ruchika Talwar is a urologic oncologist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.

Anish Parikh discusses Why Docs Need to Pay Attention to How They Are Getting Paid on the BackTable 88 Podcast

Anish Parikh

Anish Parikh is a Co-Founder of BackTable and a recurring host of the BackTable Podcast.


Parikh and Dr. Talwar explore the complexities of healthcare insurance, Medicare, and the shift towards value-based care models. Dr. Talwar highlights examples of how employers and healthcare providers can work directly to offer more streamlined, quality-focused care at lower costs, and emphasizes the critical importance of physician involvement in shaping the future of healthcare.


00:00 - Introduction
04:27 - The Complexity of Healthcare Access and Insurance
13:43 - Changes in Physician Compensation
18:27 - Value-Based Care Models
27:33 - Challenges and Misconceptions in Value-Based Care
30:51 - Physician-Led Programs and Their Benefits
36:13 - The Changing Landscape of Physician Autonomy
46:54 - Conclusion and Future Discussions

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