BackTable / Industry / Podcast / Episode #7
Viz.AI: Improving Access to Stroke Care using AI
with Dr. Chris Mansi
Bryan Hartley talks with Neurosurgeon Dr. Chris Mansi about the origin story of, a company using Artificial Intelligence to Shorten Time to Treatment and Improve Access to Care for Stroke Patients.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2021, December 1). Ep. 7 – Viz.AI: Improving Access to Stroke Care using AI [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Dr. Chris Mansi
Dr. Chris Mansi is a Neurosurgeon and the Co-Founder and CEO at
Dr. Bryan Hartley
Dr. Bryan Hartley is a practicing radiologist, host of the BackTable Innovation series, and co-founder of Pulmera in Palo Alto, CA.
In this episode, neurosurgeon and co-founder/CEO of, Dr. Chris Mansi, and our host Dr. Bryan Hartley discuss the use of AI technology to detect large vessel occlusion (LVO) strokes and increase efficiency of workflow. Dr. Mansi describes his entrepreneurial journey, through the phases of idea formation, funding, growth, and expansion of his company.
We start by outlining key advantages that MBA and other graduate degree programs can provide for healthcare entrepreneurs. Both doctors emphasize the value of dedicating space and time, outside of clinical practice, to innovate and test new ideas. Dr. Mansi highlights his collaboration with other disciplines, such as engineering. He also discusses takeaways from his business education-- the importance of patient-centered innovation and having flexible technology that can meet the changing needs of the market.
Dr. Mansi gives an overview of’s origins, mission, and product offerings. The company addresses a clinical need for more consistent and efficient stroke care, and aims to move patients from stroke detection to stroke treatment more quickly. employs self-learning technology to provide high-quality imaging, automatic workflow triggers, and HIPAA-compliant communication channels for stroke teams to work together for the benefit of patients. We end this episode by talking about’s plan to expand to more disease states and medical specialties in the near future.
Resources Platform"
“Crossing the Chasm” by Geoffrey Moore: Dr. Mansi’s book recommendation for all tech entrepreneurs
Transcript Preview
[Dr. Bryan Hartley]:
I think that's very important to reiterate. One other thing that I'd like to ask, and this is something that I think if you haven't gone through some type of business or management program. It's a part of the innovation process that I think can be left out if you just start hitting the ground innovating, is the market, the market size, how well you evaluate your market to see if it's a high impact area where you're really going to be able to impact a large number of patients. How important is that, did you already understand this going in, and what did you learn about how important market is when you're trying to get an innovation to commercialization?
[Dr. Chris Mansi]:
So I think the answer is different, depending on which stage of business you're at. I think when you are at the stage where I'm at right now, which is the growth stage, the two things that really matter are how fast you're growing and what is the overall total market that you're addressing. I think when you're raising money from venture capitalists, they are the two things they most care about. In the early days, though, you really don't know exactly what the innovation, the product, the product market fit, the total market size is ultimately going to be, partly because markets change and develop. The Google team, Larry and Sergei, didn't know what search was going to become when they were first starting Google, they just had a better search algorithm. Same thing for, if you look at some of the more recent successes like Slack and Stripe. When they were starting out, people wanted to use what they had, but they didn't know it would become as big as it is today.
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