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BackTable MSK Podcast

The BackTable MSK Podcast is a resource for practicing Musculoskeletal Specialists, covering tools, techniques, and expert guidance on medical and interventional care for musculoskeletal conditions.



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MSK Episode #63

Bone Tumor Ablation: Techniques & Inisghts

with Dr. Glade Roper

Spine metastases are often painful and can impair a patient's ability to lie flat for radiation therapy. However, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) can address the bulk of the tumor and provide significant pain relief, enabling the patient to undergo radiation therapy. In this episode of BackTable MSK, musculoskeletal radiologist Dr. Glade Roper discusses his experience with spinal tumor RFA, his role on a multidisciplinary oncology team, and key considerations when planning for ablation.

This podcast is supported by an educational grant from Medtronic.

Bone Tumor Ablation: Techniques & Inisghts with Dr. Glade Roper on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
Ep 63 Bone Tumor Ablation: Techniques & Inisghts with Dr. Glade Roper
00:00 / 01:04

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MSK Articles

Get quick insights with BackTable MSK Articles. We highlight key takeaways from our most popular MSK Podcast episodes and go deeper on the specifics in these three minute reads.

Genicular Nerve Ablation: Managing Knee Pain & Patient Expectations

Thomas O'Rourke • Updated Nov 8, 2023 • 436 hits

Preparing Patients for Awake Spine Surgery: What to Expect Before, During & After

Taylor Spurgeon-Hess • Updated Nov 1, 2023 • 79 hits

Basivertebral Nerve Ablation (BVNA) Procedure Technique: A Practical Guide

Thomas O'Rourke • Updated Nov 23, 2024 • 871 hits

MSK Topics

Are you looking for more content on a specific condition or procedure? BackTable MSK Topics are a great way to find out what we've covered on the show and learn more about the subject matter that you're interested in.

Kyphoplasty Procedure Prep
Radiofrequency Nerve Ablation Procedure Prep
Osteoporosis Condition Overview
Vertebral Compression Fracture Condition Overview

MSK Contributors

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Dr. Jim Marino on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Edward Yoon on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Yvette Ho on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Jason Cox on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Olivier Clerk-Lamalice on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Jason Levy on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Dana Dunleavy on the BackTable MSK Podcast
Dr. Luigi Manfre on the BackTable MSK Podcast


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Showing 5 of 29 results for 'kyphoplasty'

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