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BackTable / MSK / Podcast / Episode #12

Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice

with Dr. Daniel Lerman and Dr. Anthony Brown

In this episode, host Jacob Fleming interviews interventional radiologist Tony Brown and orthopedic oncologist Daniel Lerman about their multidisciplinary IR/orthopedics practice and innovative techniques for pelvic fixation in metastatic cancer patients.

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Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice with Dr. Daniel Lerman and Dr. Anthony Brown on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
Ep 12 Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice with Dr. Daniel Lerman and Dr. Anthony Brown
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, June 18). Ep. 12 – Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Daniel Lerman discusses Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice on the BackTable 12 Podcast

Dr. Daniel Lerman

Daniel Lerman is an orthopedic surgeon that specializes in the care of cancer patients in Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Anthony Brown discusses Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice on the BackTable 12 Podcast

Dr. Anthony Brown

Dr. Tony Brown is a vascular and interventional radiologist with Radiology Imaging Associates in Denver, CO.

Dr. Jacob Fleming discusses Ortho / IR Collaboration in Private Practice on the BackTable 12 Podcast

Dr. Jacob Fleming

Dr. Jacob Fleming is a diagnostic radiology resident and future MSK interventional radiologist in Dallas, Texas.


The guests recount their first case together, a “no option” patient in which they collaborated on a tripod fixation of an acetabulum, using a combination of screw placement and cementoplasty. They realized that they were both invested in improving minimally invasive fixation and helping patients with pain management and daily functioning. Their collaboration blossomed into a joint practice of MSK interventional oncology that offers biomechanics knowledge of orthopedic surgery and the precise image guidance of interventional radiology. With the rise of systemic cancer therapies, more patients are living with metastatic bone disease, and this new treatment paradigm could offer them a true joint reconstruction and stable fixation. Overtime, they have streamlined the technique to make their cases more efficient and precise.

Despite their advances, Dr. Brown notes that MSK interventional oncology still has a long way to go. In the community, pelvic fractures usually go untreated. He speaks about the importance of outreach to radiation oncologists and orthopedic surgeons and letting them know about new methods of pelvic fixation. Dr. Brown encourages IRs who are curious about MSK interventions to get in contact with colleagues who are already doing innovative techniques and device companies that offer classes. Additionally, there is a need for innovation in instrumentation. Most pelvic intervention tools have been adopted from spine tools; however pelvic anatomy and pelvic lesions are vastly different. Dr. Lerman highlights the uniqueness of each patient’s disease, tumor, and bone lysis. He believes that there is a need to elucidate why different patients respond to different types of constructs.


Institute for Limb Preservation:

Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (MSTS):

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Bone Metastasis Condition Overview
Cancer Condition Overview
Cementoplasty Procedure Prep
Metastasis Condition Overview
Learn about Oncology on BackTable MSK
Learn about Orthopedic Surgery on BackTable MSK

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