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Cancer Pain

Cancer Pain Condition Overview

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BackTable is a knowledge resource for physicians by physicians. Get practical advice on Cancer Pain and how to build your practice by listening to the BackTable MSK Podcast, reading exclusing BackTable Articles, and following the work of our Contributors.

Ep 45 The Future of Interventional Spine Training with Dr. Majid Khan
00:00 / 01:04

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Cancer Pain Podcasts

Listen to leading physicians discuss cancer pain on the BackTable MSK Podcast. Get tips, tricks, and expert guidance from your peers and level up your practice.

Episode #45


In this episode of the Back Table MSK Podcast, guest host and interventional radiologist Dr. Dana Dunleavy speaks with Dr. Majid Khan about building an academic interventional spine program and the need for nonvascular spine intervention fellowships. Dr. Khan is neuroradiologist and Director of Non-Vascular Spine Intervention at Johns Hopkins University.

Episode #14


In this episode, host Dr. Michael Barraza interviews Dr. Stephen Hunt about building a pain practice, including his nerve ablation technique, how to obtain referrals, and why it is one of the most rewarding procedures that he does.

Disclaimer: The Materials available on are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosing and treating patients. The opinions expressed by participants of the BackTable Podcast belong solely to the participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of BackTable.



The Future of Interventional Spine Training with Dr. Majid Khan on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
Building a Pain Interventions Service Line with Dr. Stephen Hunt on the BackTable MSK Podcast)
New Frontiers in Spinal Tumor Ablation & Augmentation with Dr. Dana Dunleavy on the BackTable MSK Podcast)



Dr. Michael Barraza on the BackTable MSK Podcast

Dr. Michael Barraza

Dr. Stephen Hunt on the BackTable MSK Podcast

Dr. Stephen Hunt

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