BackTable / Urology / Contributor

Dr. Jennifer Anger
Dr. Jennifer Anger is a urologist and gender affirming pelvic surgeon at UC San Diego in California.
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About Dr. Jennifer Anger
Jennifer T. Anger, MD, MPH (she/her) is a board-certified female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery expert who has dedicated her career to improving the quality of surgical care for patients with pelvic floor disorders. She is the only physician in San Diego who performs gender affirming pelvic or "bottom" surgery, including vaginoplasty (penile inversion, peritoneal and intestinal), vulvoplasty (zero or shallow depth), metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, and robotic hysterectomy with vaginectomy and non-binary options.
Dr. Anger has expertise in providing gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary patients and is dedicated to assuring that transgender individuals receive the highest quality, evidenced-based surgical care. She also serves patients who have had surgery previously but need repeat, or revision, surgery.
Dr. Anger is professor of urology and vice chair of research in the UC San Diego Department of Urology. She leads the new program in gender affirming pelvic surgery and is part of a large multidisciplinary transgender care team which provides comprehensive care for both adults and adolescents.
Dr. Anger was assistant professor of urology at UCLA until 2010, where she gained expertise in robotic-assisted pelvic floor reconstruction. She then joined the faculty at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center to build a new residency program in urology. In 2018 she founded and directed the ACGME-accredited Cedars-Sinai fellowship in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery.
She received a career development award from the National Institutes of Health to develop and test quality-of-care measures for women with urinary incontinence. This led to a long track record of independent funding in several clinical areas. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Urology Care Foundation. She has published over 200 peer-reviewed manuscripts. Her current research focuses on improving the quality of care for transgender individuals, reducing disparities in care, and improving medical and surgical outcomes for transgender adults and adolescents.
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