BackTable / Urology / Contributor

Dr. Kristina Penniston
Dr. Kristina Penniston is a clinical nutritionist specializing in therapy for patients with urologic diseases.
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About Dr. Kristina Penniston
Dr. Kristina Penniston, PhD, RD, is a Senior Scientist at the UW Medical School, as well as a Clinical Nutritionist with UW Hospital and Clinics. She provides medical nutrition therapy to patients with urologic diseases, such as kidney stones, prostate cancer, and other urinary tract conditions. Dr. Penniston has been the nutritionist for the UW Hospital Metabolic Stone Clinic since 1999.
She is a member of the American Society for Nutrition, American Dietetic Association, and the Research Dietetic Practice Group and the Oncology Practice Group of the American Dietetic Association. She has won numerous honors and awards, including being the UW-Madison Department of Nutritional Sciences nominee for the Louis and Elsa Thomsen Wisconsin Distinguished Fellowship Award for graduate students in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Dr. Penniston’s research interests include clinical nutrition research in kidney stones and prostate cancer. Specifically, she is interested in the efficacy of nutrition therapy in the prevention, management, and treatment of disease and on indicators of quality of life.
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