BackTable / Urology / Contributor

Dr. Zamip Patel
Dr. Zamip Patel is a practicing Urologist and assistant professor at UCF in Orlando, Florida.
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About Dr. Zamip Patel
Dr. Zamip Patel is a Urologist with fellowship training in Andrology/Male Infertility. He has been in practice since 2011 in Orlando. He conducted his residency at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York and his Andrology fellowship at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He is Medical Director of Cryos International, the largest sperm bank in the world. He also holds numerous faculty and advisory positions, including at the University of Central Florida College of Medicine.
Dr. Patel is an expert on male reproduction, and microsurgical techniques related to the male reproductive organ tract. He has held multiple hospital and medical group leadership positions, including Chief of Staff at AdventHealth East Orlando. Primary research interests include function, surgery, and pathology of male reproductive organs and gametes.
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