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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #120

Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation

with Dr. Zamip Patel

In this episode of BackTable Urology, Dr. Silva and Dr. Zamip Patel, a urologist specializing in male infertility and andrology at Southeast Male Infertility and Urology/Andrology, discuss infertility trends and causes, as well as artificial intelligence in surgical robotics and fertility.

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Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation with Dr. Zamip Patel on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 120 Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation with Dr. Zamip Patel
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, September 20). Ep. 120 – Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Zamip Patel discusses Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation on the BackTable 120 Podcast

Dr. Zamip Patel

Dr. Zamip Patel is a practicing Urologist and assistant professor at UCF in Orlando, Florida.

Dr. Jose Silva discusses Modernizing Fertility Practice: The AI Transformation on the BackTable 120 Podcast

Dr. Jose Silva

Dr. Jose Silva is a board certified urologist practicing in Central Florida.


First, the doctors discuss the rising rate of infertility in the US and around the world, and the potential causes behind it. They consider the impact of obesity and environmental cues, like endocrine disruptors, on fertility rates. Then, they transition to reflecting on the rapidly changing landscape of infertility treatments and how insurance coverage and third party providers are playing a role in treatment selection. They also examine the impact of government mandates on fertility coverage, and the implications for employers who want to provide fertility benefits to their employees. Next, they explore the challenges of diagnosing infertility, such as lack of awareness and the importance of optimizing the male side to improve IVF outcomes.

Zamip then explains artificial intelligence (AI) can augment male fertility diagnostics and therapeutics. Advanced neural networks have enabled us to identify candidate genes in large sets of data that weren't available before, leading to a more accurate diagnosis. AI can also help the fertilization process, as it can aid in selecting the most viable sperm and egg, and identify the best embryos for implantation. Zamip also adds that AI can assist in the genetic analysis of blastocysts and how it may help avoid discarding embryos unnecessarily. We consider the potential benefits of AI alongside the ethical implications of using AI in such delicate procedures.

Although AI can dramatically improve the healthcare industry and revolutionize treatments for men's health, both doctors agree that there is a need for a humanistic touch in the medical field, even as AI becomes more advanced.


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