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BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #222

Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques

with Dr. Amy Pearlman

Patients seeking penile girth enhancement often do so for both physical and psychological reasons. When treating this patient population, understanding your patient’s goal is as critical as mastering the aesthetics. In this episode of BackTable Urology, Dr. Amy Pearlman, co-founder of PRIME Institute Miami, meets with our host Dr. Jose Silva to discuss practical tips for treating patients that seek penile girth enhancement.

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Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques with Dr. Amy Pearlman on the BackTable Urology Podcast)
Ep 222 Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques with Dr. Amy Pearlman
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2025, March 25). Ep. 222 – Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Amy Pearlman discusses Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques on the BackTable 222 Podcast

Dr. Amy Pearlman

Dr. Amy Pearlman is a urologist and the director of the Men’s Health Program at the University of Iowa.

Dr. Jose Silva discusses Exploring Penile Girth Enchancement Techniques on the BackTable 222 Podcast

Dr. Jose Silva

Dr. Jose Silva is a board certified urologist practicing in Central Florida.


Dr. Pearlman shares her journey from academic urology to healthcare entrepreneurship, emphasizing the personalized, holistic care offered at her practice. The conversation covers the procedure's impact on patients' lives, the management of a concierge clinic, and the integration of sexual health with overall wellness. Dr. Pearlman elaborates on the specifics of the penile girth enhancement procedure using hyaluronic acid. She covers patient experiences, consultation practices, and safety protocols. The episode emphasizes the broader conversation around men’s health and the importance of sexual well-being.


00:00 - Introduction
10:09 - Injectable vs. Surgical Options
10:30 - Hyaluronic Acid Fillers
14:06 - Patient Experiences and Expectations
24:09 - Injection Techniques and Aftercare
32:55 - Understanding Penile Aesthetics
35:43 - Consultation Process
37:23 - Pain Management
39:01 - Patient Experiences and Feedback
46:53 - Telehealth Consultations
49:22 - Closing Advice for Providers

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