BackTable / Urology / Podcast / Episode #84
Novel Approach to PCNLs
with Dr. Jason Wynberg
In this episode of BackTable Urology, Dr. Jose Silva interviews Dr. Jason Wynberg, director of endourology at NYU Langone Health in Brooklyn, about his percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) technique and innovations.
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BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2023, March 1). Ep. 84 – Novel Approach to PCNLs [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from
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Podcast Contributors
Dr. Jason Wynberg
Dr. Jason Wynberg is the director of endourology at NYU Langone Health in Brooklyn, New York
Dr. Jose Silva
Dr. Jose Silva is a board certified urologist practicing in Central Florida.
First, Dr. Wynberg explains his workup for a potential PCNL patient. He considers stone size, stone density, preexisting comorbidities, and patient preferences. He uses CT scans, retrograde pyelograms, and flexible ureteroscopy to study the anatomy of the patient. Next, he explains how he gets his own access through retrograde access while the patient is in the supine position.
Then, he discusses the trademark patent he currently holds for a PCNL kit, which includes a puncture wire, sheath, and coaxial microintroducer. The kit allows urologists to put a retrograde puncture wire through a flexible ureteroscope. He notes that this kit decreases renal trauma and allows the papillary puncture to be aligned with the infundibulum. He also reflects on the challenges of developing his kit and finding industry partners to support development. Although he had to wait 7 years to commercialize his technology, he saw the prolonged time as a benefit because he was able to improve its design before commercial release.
Finally, he explains his technique for using the PCNL kit and offers advice for different difficult scenarios during PCNL. He emphasizes that, in the end, skilled surgeons ensure the success of PCNLs, not just the equipment they use.
Transcript Preview
[Dr. Jose Silva]:
Your kit, it includes also the dilators, or it is just the puncture until you have an endo wire there?
[Dr. Jason Wynberg]:
It includes the sharp puncture wire and the sheath that protects the wire, so it doesn't damage your scope. It also includes what's called a coaxial micro introducer, which is basically, a 30-centimeter long 5.0 French, it's almost like a vascular catheter with an inner dilator that tapers right down to the puncture wire. The purpose of that coaxial micro introducer is simply to allow you to remove your puncture wire in favor of an 035 or 038 endourology wire while maintaining the track that you've created.
The kit includes those two items, and whichever endourology wire or sensor wire or any wire, frankly, you can pass that through the outer catheter at the flank once you remove the puncture wire and the inner dilator from a coaxial catheter. It's hard to describe it verbally. You almost have to see a video and then it makes sense.
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