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Percutaneous Biopsy: How to Help Pathologists Maximize Diagnostic Certainty

Author Faith Taylor covers Percutaneous Biopsy: How to Help Pathologists Maximize Diagnostic Certainty on BackTable VI

Faith Taylor • Updated Jan 29, 2025 • 31 hits

Treatment decisions often rely on the detailed findings provided by pathologists. Therefore, when pathologists face challenges that lead to diagnostic uncertainty, it can complicate clinical decision-making and adversely impact patient outcomes.

As an interventionist, how can you help your pathology colleagues improve diagnostic certainty? Pathologist Dr. Andrew Sholl shares his approach to navigating diagnostic uncertainty, offering insights into the challenges pathologists face when interpreting limited or inconclusive samples, and methods to improve diagnostic confidence. Interventional radiologist Dr. Chris Beck provides his input as well, speaking from the perspective of an interventional radiologist that performs frequent biopsies for pathology. This article features transcripts from the BackTable Podcast. We’ve provided the highlight reel here, and you can listen to the full podcast below.

The BackTable Brief

• Pathologists typically categorize diagnoses as benign, atypical, suspicious, or malignant.

• Inadequate biopsy sizes produce insufficient amounts of tissue for testing which often results in diagnostic uncertainty and atypical or suspicious classifications.

• Discrepancies between a tumor's appearance and staining results often prompt pathologists to seek second opinions or advanced testing such as next-generation sequencing or specific immunostains at specialized institutions that can provide greater diagnostic clarity.

• Providing pathologists adequate clinical context, such as patient history and pretest probabilities, enhances diagnostic accuracy and prevents the misuse of limited sample material.

• Cultures can be utilized together with staining to help pathologists better diagnose infections and tumors, as cultures provide greater sensitivity, particularly for identifying infections, which tissue stains may miss.

Percutaneous Biopsy: How to Help Pathologists Maximize Diagnostic Certainty

Table of Contents

(1) How do Pathologists Navigate Diagnostic Uncertainty?

(2) The Importance of Sharing Detailed Clinical Context With Your Pathologist

(3) Send Biopsy Samples for Staining & For Culturing

How do Pathologists Navigate Diagnostic Uncertainty?

When reporting findings, pathologists typically categorize diagnoses as benign, atypical, suspicious, or malignant. However, limitations, like insufficient tissue, can result in atypical or suspicious classifications due to the inability to fully test and diagnose a sample.

In cases where diagnostic uncertainty arises and available tools are inadequate for advanced analyses, Dr. Andrew Sholl recommends that samples be sent to specialized labs for further testing and second opinions. These institutions often have access to advanced techniques, such as next-generation sequencing or specific immunostains, that can provide greater diagnostic clarity.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
How certain do you have to be to then put out a pathology report that says this is the answer? Because sometimes it says non-diagnostic, maybe we need-- it'll make a different recommendation and maybe that varies from practitioner to practitioner. Even in straightforward cases, it's probably hard to be 100% certain but when I think about radiology, in diagnostic radiology, there's always that out that some radiologists will say like, "Oh, correlate clinically."

Or maybe if we had a super secret MRI or something, but you guys don't really have much of an out other than saying, "Hey, we need more tissue." But you have to have some degree of certainty to then say like, "This is the diagnosis. Treatment recommendations are based on like what you guys say, so how certain--

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
That harkens back to how good is the biopsy. When I hedge and when I hedge, that typically falls into one or two categories. You basically have benign, atypical, suspicious, and malignant. That's the big four that we're falling into. When I fall into the atypical and suspicious categories, it's usually because I don't have enough tissue. That's usually what it comes down to.

I'll have a lung cancer, there's tiny stuff on the edge. I can't do any immunostains on it because it will disappear. If I do do immunostains, then the cells are not there anymore. My hedge is that I know this is non-small cell cancer, but I can't call it squam, I can't call it adeno, I can't call it a met. It falls into the, I know it's cancer, but I can't tell you anything more than that. That makes it sometimes difficult for the hematologist, oncologist to treat.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Sometimes I feel like samples can get sent out and not necessarily for next-gen sequencing, but you can send them out for a second opinion. Is everyone's threshold different for that?

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Everyone's threshold is different, but I can speak to my threshold. My threshold is this looks like tumor X, but the immunostains stain like tumor Y and I don't have a name for it. There's plenty of tissue there, but the name that I want to put on it doesn't have enough supporting evidence, whether it's immunostains or flow or whatever to put that name-- rubber stamp that name on it.

That's when I will step back and say, okay, the tumor looks like an adeno, but it stains like a squamous. It looks like this, but it stains like a kidney, but the guy's got a history of colon. When the clinical picture doesn't fit with what's on the slide, that's another reason for me to step back and say, I'm not sure what I'm doing here. Let me send this out somewhere where they can do more advanced testing whether that's next-gen sequencing or more immunostains that I don't have access to.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Is that sometimes the case? It's not necessarily-- I'm framing it like this, like a caricature, but it's not like, "Oh, Dr. Sholl's brain is too small, so he has to have someone else think about it." People have access to different tools that you just-- if were to-- okay, that you just don't have access to.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
No, that's absolutely correct. As an example, they will do brain tumor biopsies, excisions at our institution. The way that these brain tumors are now categorized is whether they're IDH1 mutant or not. Then, so the glial neoplasms, they need these tests in order to categorize them that I just don't have access to. I know it's a glial neoplasm. I know it's a high-grade glial neoplasm, but in terms of categorizing it, I don't have the tools at hand to do that.

It's cheaper for me to send it out to a higher-end neuropathology institution that has an IDH1 immunostain or-- yes.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Just sitting there on the counter, I guess. I don't know.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]

Listen to the Full Podcast

Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies with Dr. Andrew Sholl on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 422 Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies with Dr. Andrew Sholl
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The Importance of Sharing Detailed Clinical Context With Your Pathologist

Pathologists rely on detailed clinical information about the sample's origin and the patient's medical history to narrow diagnostic possibilities and focus on relevant tests. Therefore, Dr. Andrew Sholl recommends that a comprehensive clinical history always be provided when possible for accurate and efficient diagnoses.

Without context, the range of possible diagnoses can become excessively broad, including various inflammatory, neoplastic, and infectious conditions. Providing clinical information like the organ of sample origin and a patient's medical history enables pathologists to prioritize relevant possibilities and focus on the most appropriate tests, ensuring timely and meaningful results.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
The other question I wanted to get at was how much history-- I think each place can vary. Do you work at some different sites other than Turo?

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Yes. We sign out stuff all over the state.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Great. This is good. I would imagine the amount of information that you have about a sample can vary widely.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Can you talk about that and how that makes a difference? And if that makes a big difference where you're like, "Look, just give me the sample." You know what? Whether I have dog shit or whether I have filet mignon, I can tell you what it's going to be.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
As much clinical history as you can possibly give me is absolutely important. For example, you always hear this, "Oh, I don't want to bias my pathologist." Are you not going to bias me by just not telling me where the sample came from? I got to figure it out on my own? That just wasted 10 minutes of my time to figure out that Dr. Beck sent me a liver core and not a lung core.

It makes a huge difference for my brain to figure out what I need to be looking for and what the differential diagnosis in my head is. If you're doing a kidney mass, I have a catalog of kidney tumors in my head and so I need as much information as possible. You're doing a core of a lung but the guy's got a history of colon cancer, he's got a history of renal cell cancer. That can help me immensely get to the right answer.

Whereas if my differential is everything, inflammatory, neoplastic, possibly the guy traveled to Kenya--

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Sure, wherever.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Pneumoconiosis. If that's the differential, I can't possibly get to a meaningful answer in a reasonable amount of time with the material that you're providing me. Four cores. If I have four cores to figure out, neoplasm of unknown origin, inflammatory lesion of unknown origin, bacteria/fungus of unknown origin, I'm lost. I'm not going to be able to give you a good answer but if I know as much clinical history as possible, I can narrow down what I need to figure out quickly and accurately.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Got it. Okay. That's what I suspected but--

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Yes, I love clinical history because-- and the other thing too is that when you're asked to do a biopsy, you want to know pretest probabilities of it. Is this going to be malignant? Is this going to be lymphoma? Does the guy have lymphadenopathy elsewhere, does he have a history of Hodgkin when he was 15 years old? There are all these things that help you triage that specimen that you're going to get.

Then on the back end, it's the same way that we're dealing with it too because if the guy's got a history of Hodgkin, I don't want you to waste stuff on flow because Hodgkin doesn't flow. These are all things where I just wasted four cores flowing on a guy with a history of Hodgkin. That's not a meaningful test in that clinical scenario. The better information we have before, the better the diagnosis is going to be at the back end.

Send Biopsy Samples for Staining & For Culturing

When analyzing suspected tumor biopsies, Dr. Andrew Sholl recommends a coordinated approach that utilizes both cultures and staining to ensure a comprehensive and accurate diagnosis. While staining biopsies is helpful in identifying the presence of tumors, they typically focus only on the tissue structure and cellular characteristics, which may not reveal underlying infectious cause. Cultures provide greater sensitivity, particularly for identifying infections, which tissue stains may miss.

By incorporating cultures and staining together, pathologists are able to confirm the presence of tumors and rule out or diagnose concurrent infections. This comprehensive approach improves diagnostic accuracy, guides more targeted treatments, and ultimately enhances patient outcomes.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
One of the things that interventional radiologists will say, or one of the things I was taught is you biopsy your infections and you culture your tumors. Meaning that almost in all scenarios, whether you think it's a tumor or infection, you're going to get a culture. The same thing with if you think it's an infection, you biopsy it. Do you see the cultures? Do you find that helpful? Are there ever situations where like, interventional radiology thinks like it's a primary lung tumor and then you get all these cores back and you're like, "Man, they didn't send any of this for culture?"

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Oh yes. It drives me crazy.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
[laughs] Okay.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
For example, last week we had an orbital tumor that was biopsied and he thought it was a tumor. He thought it could be, whatever. Then I put it on the microscope and it's granulomatous inflammation. I better go check the EMR and see if there's cultures in there. You look and you're like, well, there could be an acid-fast bacillus in there but the sensitivity of a tissue and a stain is so much smaller than a culture.

Yes, that saying is absolutely-- I will go to the EMR and look and see if a culture has been done all the time. The other thing too is that it's particularly in lung, you get those obstructive lesions and you'll get a pneumonia behind it. The needle might be in the pneumonia, but you're going to treat the tumor and you're also going to treat the pneumonia. In that instance, it's important to get both. Yes, absolutely.

[Dr. Chris Beck]
Okay, because sometimes you see on the pathology report where you guys do actually make a lot of comments about an infectious etiology, like if cultures aren't said, it's always-- I read those, I'm like, oh, well, it looks like they got it. They figured it out. It's not infectious. What you're saying is you're doing the best with what you have, but having a culture would've been very nice.

[Dr. Andrew Sholl]
Yes. I mean, could put a gram stain on a core, but it's going to tell you gram-positive cocci. Then your ID doc is going to call you and be like, "Anything else?" Because they need to know sensitivities and all that stuff on the bug that's there. All I can tell them is that it's a gram-positive cocci.

Podcast Contributors

Dr. Andrew Sholl discusses Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies on the BackTable 422 Podcast

Dr. Andrew Sholl

Dr. Andrew Sholl is a pathoogist at Delta Pathology Group in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr. Christopher Beck discusses Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies on the BackTable 422 Podcast

Dr. Christopher Beck

Dr. Chris Beck is a practicing interventional radiologist with Regional Radiology Group in New Orleans.

Cite This Podcast

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, March 5). Ep. 422 – Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Pathology 101: Solid Advice for Percutaneous Biopsies with Dr. Andrew Sholl on the BackTable VI Podcast)
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