BackTable / VI / Contributor

Dr. Isabel Newton
Interventional Radiologist
Dr. Isabel Newton is a practicing interventional radiologist at UC San Diego Health in San Diego, CA.
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About Dr. Isabel Newton
Isabel is an IR physician-scientist at the VA San Diego Medical Center and University of California San Diego. At the VASDMC, she is Chief of IR and Wellness Director of Radiology. She is a member of the UCSD Radiology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Her translational research focuses on stimulating an anti-tumor immune response to liver cancer by combining thermal ablation and immunotherapy. She is also Co-Founder and Chair of the Interventional Initiative, a 501c3 organization dedicated to increasing public awareness of minimally invasive, image-guided procedures. Isabel has co-Directed and co-Produced the Telly award-winning documentary series, Without a Scalpel.
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