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Dr. Isabel Newton on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Isabel Newton

Interventional Radiologist

Dr. Isabel Newton is a practicing interventional radiologist at UC San Diego Health in San Diego, CA.

Listen to Dr. Isabel Newton on the BackTable VI Podcast

The BackTable Podcast is a knowledge resource by physicians for physicians. Learn from the experiences and expertise of Dr. Isabel Newton and get practical advice on how to build your practice by listening to the BackTable VI Podcast.

Ep 330 Early Days and Evolution of the TIPS Procedure with Dr. Richard Saxon
00:00 / 01:04

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About Dr. Isabel Newton

Isabel is an IR physician-scientist at the VA San Diego Medical Center and University of California San Diego. At the VASDMC, she is Chief of IR and Wellness Director of Radiology. She is a member of the UCSD Radiology Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Her translational research focuses on stimulating an anti-tumor immune response to liver cancer by combining thermal ablation and immunotherapy. She is also Co-Founder and Chair of the Interventional Initiative, a 501c3 organization dedicated to increasing public awareness of minimally invasive, image-guided procedures. Isabel has co-Directed and co-Produced the Telly award-winning documentary series, Without a Scalpel.

Learn more by visiting Dr. Isabel Newton's practice:

Podcasts Featuring Dr. Isabel Newton

VI Episode #330


In this episode, guest host Dr. Isabel Newton interviews Dr. Richard Saxon about his innovative approach of using stent grafts for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting (TIPS), the creation of the Viatorr endoprosthesis, and medical ethics of experimental technology.

VI Episode #318


In this episode, Dr. Isabel Newton hosts a panel discussion on updates about Road2IR, an international consortium aimed at increasing access to IR procedures and education in East Africa and beyond. She is joined by Drs. Fabian Laage Gaupp, Judy Gichoya, and Janice Newsome.

VI Episode #203


Eric J. Keller talks with Isabel Newton, Susan Jackson and Margaret Simor from the Interventional Initiative about informed consent and helping patients make informed choices with newly developed Patient Decision Aids!

VI Episode #64


Transplant Surgeon Dr. Jennifer Berumen and Interventional Radiologist Dr. Isabel Newton discuss the treatment of HCC and the importance of multi-specialty collaboration in bridging these patients to successful liver transplantation. Special discussion was given around this HCC consortium article in Annals of Surgery:

VI Episode #33


Dr. Brooke Spencer gets into the pearls and pitfalls of building a comprehensive vein practice, including a detailed discussion on the treatment of May-Thurner and Pelvic Congestion syndrome.

VI Episode #29


An interview with Interventional Initiative founders Isabel Newton and Susan Jackson taking us through the journey behind the awe-inspiring Without A Scalpel documentaries, including some funny stories and more exciting things to come.

Articles Featuring Dr. Isabel Newton

Hepatocellular carcinoma on CT

Locoregional treatments for HCC, the UNOS 6-month wait period for liver transplantation, and methods and markers for HCC prognostication.

Hepatocellular carcinoma on angiography

Evaluating HCC patients, multi-specialty collaboration, and locoregional therapies for both transplant and non-transplant candidates.

Endovascular stent placement in venous disease

The vessel size and degree of vascular stenosis varies from patient-to-patient, which complicates the sizing and placement of endovascular stents. From vascular imaging to intraoperative stent deployment, Dr. Brooke Spencer discusses ways to improve stent placement in difficult cases of chronic venous disease.

Pelvic congestion syndrome treatment

Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is characterized by chronic pelvic pain due to pelvic venous insufficiency and the subsequent development of pelvic and ovarian varicosities. Dr. Brooke Spencer discusses the complexities of pelvic congestion syndrome treatment and PCS symptoms.

Devices used to treat chronic venous disease

Successful treatment of chronic venous obstruction requires operator skill and optimal equipment utilization. In episode 33 of the BackTable podcast, Dr. Brooke Spencer discusses her go-to catheter choice, techniques for catheter and guidewire manipulation, and tips for crossing difficult chronic venous obstructions.

Medical image of a deep vein treated in a comprehensive vein practice

Building a vein practice requires knowledge and skills beyond the treatment of venous disease. Vein expert Dr. Spencer discusses where to start when treating patients with venous disease, when to take charge as a diagnostician, and why interventional radiologists need to start managing their patients perioperatively.

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Disclaimer: The Materials available on are for informational and educational purposes only and are not a substitute for the professional judgment of a healthcare professional in diagnosing and treating patients. The opinions expressed by participants of the BackTable Podcast belong solely to the participants, and do not necessarily reflect the views of BackTable.



Early Days and Evolution of the TIPS Procedure with Dr. Richard Saxon on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Back on the Road2IR with Dr. Janice Newsome, Dr. Judy Gichoya and Dr. Fabian Laage Gaupp on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Making Informed Consent an Informed Choice with the Interventional Initiative with Dr. Isabel Newton, Margaret Simor, MSN, and Susan Jackson MBA on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Bridging to Transplant for HCC with Dr. Jennifer Berumen and Dr. Isabel Newton on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Building a Comprehensive Vein Practice with Dr. Brooke Spencer and Dr. Isabel Newton on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Multidisciplinary HCC Care: Improving the Patient Experience with Combined Clinics with Dr. Tyler Sandow, Dr. Jonathan Mizrahi, Dr. Steven Young and Deondra Bonds-Adams on the BackTable VI Podcast)

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Susan Jackson

Dr. Eric J. Keller on the BackTable VI Podcast

Dr. Eric J. Keller

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Dr. Dafydd Loughran

Margaret Simor on the BackTable VI Podcast

Margaret Simor

Dr. Diana Velazquez-Pimentel on the BackTable Innovation Podcast

Dr. Diana Velazquez-Pimentel

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