BackTable / VI / Contributor

Dr. Sabeen Dhand
Interventional Radiologist
Dr. Sabeen Dhand is a practicing interventional radiologist with PIH Health in Los Angeles.
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About Dr. Sabeen Dhand
Dr. Dhand completed his fellowship at Northwestern and is currently an Interventional Radiologist at PIH Health in Los Angeles. His practice is focused on treating a wide variety of diseases, with a special interest in limb salvage, aortic aneurysms, and neurovascular disease including stroke. After spending 13 years in the cold winters of Chicago, graduating from Northwestern IR fellowship in 2015, Dr. Sabeen Dhand moved to Los Angeles to join LAIIC (Los Angeles Imaging and Interventional Consultants). LAIIC is a high volume, head-to-toe practice, where Sabeen has significantly expanded the treatment of peripheral vascular disease, aortic disease, oncology, and neurovascular disease. In addition to relentlessly growing the practice, Sabeen is part of the Backtable podcast team and serves as a regular host primarily for topics centered on PAD, aortic disease, and neuro IR. Sabeen has a special interest in technology and education, melding the two in his active social media presence. Sabeen dreams to continuously grow his practice and make it the "best practice in the world" while also trying to do the same for the Backtable podcast.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Sabeen Dhand's practice:
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