BackTable / VI / Contributor

Dr. Theodosios Bisdas
Vascular Surgeon
Dr. Theodosios Bisdas is a practicing Vascular Surgeon in Athens, Greece and the CEO of Vascupedia.
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About Dr. Theodosios Bisdas
Prof. Bisdas is the Chief of Vascular Surgery in Athens Medical Center. He studied Human Medicine at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. His training in Vascular Surgery began in the Clinic of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery in Hannover Medical School and after his research scholarship in the Department of Vascular Surgery in Mount Sinai School of Medicine (NY, USA), he completed his residency in the Center of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery in the University Clinic of Muenster.
Dr. Bisdas was a consultant for Vascular Surgery in the renowned Clinic of Vascular Surgery in St. Franziskus Hospital in Muenster. From 2019, he returned to his homeland and established the Clinic of Advanced Endovascular Services in Athens Medical Center with one of the most technologically advanced hybrid rooms in Europe. Prof. Bisdas has more than 140 publications in peer-reviewed journals and belongs to the Editorial Board of several scientific journals. He has received 5 national and international awards and in 2015, he received the Vascular Career Advancement Award in Las Vegas, USA. He belongs to the advisory board of several companies and he is the founder of the e-learning platform Vascupedia.
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