BackTable / VI / Contributor

Dr. Tim Yates
Interventional Radiologist
Dr. Tim Yates is a practicing Interventional Radiologist with Palm Vascular Centers in the South Florida area.
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About Dr. Tim Yates
Dr. Timothy E. Yates is an interventional radiologist in South Florida. He is a Nebraska native, where he attended undergraduate and medical school. His undergraduate degree was in Spanish language, after having lived in Spain studying literature and translation. He also minored in music focusing on studies in voice and guitar.
Dr. Yates completed his premedical studies at Johns Hopkins University. After returning home to Nebraska for medical school, he eventually landed in Miami, Florida where he completed residency at the Mount Sinai Medical Center (Diagnostic Radiology) and fellowship at the Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute (Vascular & Interventional Radiology).
He worked as a hospital employee after fellowship at Mount Sinai Medical Center for four years and is now in private practice with Dr. Warren Swee ( ), in an office-based setting, contracting with Palm Vascular Centers of Florida ( ). Together, they manage three surgical centers between Hollywood, Delray and West Palm Beach, specializing in endovascular care of critical limb ischemia, interventional oncology, women's health and venous disease.
Dr. Yates is the father of three beautiful and incredibly strong little women, Leyla, Stella & Gabriela. His wife Erika, is partner in love and business, managing 5 businesses between them. Dr. Yates is passionate about entrepeneurship, cryptocurrency and real estate, photography and music. Above all, he is grateful to have been helped by so many great people before him and he looks forward to connecting with his audience through the BackTable.
Learn more by visiting Dr. Tim Yates's practice:
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