BackTable / VI / Contributor

Peter Pattison
Division President
Peter Pattison is the president of Interventional Oncology & Embolization at Boston Scientific, Peripheral Interventions.
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About Peter Pattison
Peter Pattison is President, Interventional Oncology & Embolization, at Boston Scientific. He joined the
company through the BTG acquisition where he was head of the Interventional Oncology business.
Similarly, Peter joined BTG in 2013 following its acquisition of TheraSphere® from Nordion Inc. where he
held a series of senior commercial roles, including Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Business
Development for the Targeted Therapies division that included TheraSphere.
Peter serves on the Board of Directors for the Centre for Probe Development and Commercialization, a
not-for-profit centre of excellence in research and commercialization that aims to discover and develop
the next generation of imaging agents and targeted radiotherapeutics for the detection and treatment
of human diseases.
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