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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #207

The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator

with Dr. Gary Ansel

We talk with interventional cardiologist Dr. Gary Ansel about his career in medical device innovation, including the development of the Ansel Guiding Sheath and the Pounce Thrombectomy System (which was recently acquired by Surmodics, Inc.).

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The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator with Dr. Gary Ansel on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 207 The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator with Dr. Gary Ansel
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2022, May 16). Ep. 207 – The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Gary Ansel discusses The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator on the BackTable 207 Podcast

Dr. Gary Ansel

Dr. Gary Ansel is an interventional cardiologist, professor, researcher, and innovator.

Dr. Bryan Hartley discusses The Man Behind the Sheath: How Dr. Gary Ansel went from Almost TV Repairman to Endovascular Innovator on the BackTable 207 Podcast

Dr. Bryan Hartley

Dr. Bryan Hartley is a practicing radiologist, host of the BackTable Innovation series, and co-founder of Pulmera in Palo Alto, CA.


In this episode, our host Dr. Bryan Hartley interviews interventional cardiologist Dr. Gary Ansel about his career in medical device innovation, including the development of the Ansel Guiding Sheath and the Pounce Thrombectomy System (which was recently acquired by Surmodics).

Dr. Ansel describes his early career and how he identified a clinical need within the realm of renal stenting. His collaboration with Cook Medical evolved into a guiding sheath that has now become widely popular. Dr. Ansel stresses the importance of ensuring that a device has a value proposition for all stakeholders– patients, doctors, hospitals, and payers. The added cost of a new device must provide overall benefits to the procedure.

Next, we discuss Dr. Ansel’s development of a percutaneous thrombectomy system over the course of twelve years, multiple patent applications, and various obstacles. Throughout this process, Dr. Ansel highlights the benefits of having the expertise of a knowledgeable business team. He also tells new entrepreneurs to focus on de-risking their ideas with patents and early sales, in order to make their offerings more attractive to potential investors and acquirers.


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