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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #241

Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients

with Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker

In this episode, guest host Jill Sommerset interviews vascular surgeon Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker about his evolving use of ultrasound throughout his career in caring for critical limb-threatening ischemia (CLTI) patients.

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Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients with Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 241 Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients with Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2022, September 9). Ep. 241 – Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker discusses Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients on the BackTable 241 Podcast

Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker

Dr Miguel Montero-Baker is an associate professor in the Division of Vascular Surgery and Endovascular Therapy, Baylor St. Luke’s Medical Center, Texas. He specialises in Diabetic Foot Amputation Prevention and Limb Salvage.

Jill Sommerset, RVT, FSVU discusses Emerging Techniques of Advanced Ultrasound in No Options CLTI Patients on the BackTable 241 Podcast

Jill Sommerset, RVT, FSVU

Jill Sommerset, RVT, FSVU performs outpatient and intraoperative Advanced Vascular Ultrasound at Advanced Vascular Centers in Portland, OR.


Dr. Montero-Baker starts by outlining his journey from training in Costa Rica, Germany, and Arizona, to building a multidisciplinary limb salvage center at Methodist Houston. Despite his geographic relocations, he is still very involved in endovascular education in Latin America through HENDOLAT, an online community and annual conference.

Next, we delve into the uses for ultrasound during the workup stages for CLTI. Dr. Montero-Baker highlights the information that ultrasound can provide: locating the region and extent of disease, pursuing an open versus endovascular treatment approach, and the tools you will need. He points out that a lot of institutions currently only rely on pulse volume recording (PVR), ankle brachial index (ABI), and toe brachial index (TBI), and do not have access to a robust vascular lab for full ultrasounds. Dr. Montero-Baker discusses some hurdles preventing the widespread implementation of ultrasound, such as additional cost and variability in operators.

However, he believes that ultrasound can be a phenomenal tool if practices can invest the time to train vascular technologists and implement its use. We frame the ultrasound conversation around incentives for each party: the technologist can achieve higher job satisfaction and further subspecialize, the treating physician can have a better understanding of each patient’s disease and management, and the institution can minimize extended stays and readmissions. Additionally, ultrasound is very useful when institutions are facing the global contrast shortage or treating patients with renal disease.

Finally, we look at the pathophysiology of diabetic and chronic renal failure patients who have extreme below the knee and below the ankle disease. These patients with medial artery calcification patterns have very few treatment options and high limb loss rates. Dr. Montero-Baker describes a new method of pedal venous access for deep vein arterialization.


BackTable en Espanol- Enfermedad Arterial Periférica y Salvamento de Extremidades en la Comunidad Latino Americana:

Dr. Miguel Montero-Baker’s Twitter:


Society for Vascular Ultrasound:

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Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) Condition Overview
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