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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #436

The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally

with Dr. Jos van den Berg

In this episode, Dr. Jos van den Berg discusses the benefits of joining the Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) Global Society, including discounts on Amputation Prevention Symposium (AMP) meetings, access to a specialized journal, and participation in Multidisciplinary CLI Network (MCLIN) discussion boards.

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The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally with Dr. Jos van den Berg on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 436 The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally with Dr. Jos van den Berg
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2024, April 17). Ep. 436 – The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Jos van den Berg discusses The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally on the BackTable 436 Podcast

Dr. Jos van den Berg

Dr. Jos van den Berg is an interventional radiologist with the Ospedale Regionale in Lugano, Switzerland and an associate professor of radiology at the University of Bern.

Dr. Sabeen Dhand discusses The Multidisciplinary Approach to Combatting CLI Globally on the BackTable 436 Podcast

Dr. Sabeen Dhand

Dr. Sabeen Dhand is a practicing interventional radiologist with PIH Health in Los Angeles.


Dr. van den Berg is an interventional radiologist at University of Bern in Switzerland and Europe Office Chairman and Member of Board of Directors for CLI Global Society. Dr. van den Berg also serves as a reviewer and editorial board member of multiple high-impact scientific journals.

With members across the globe, the CLI Global Society emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach to combat CLI, aiming to prevent amputation and death through education, patient advocacy, and awareness about CLI. Dr. van den Berg also sheds light on the complexity of CLI management in Europe due to varied reimbursement systems among countries and the society’s efforts to tackle these challenges. The episode also touches on the society’s future goals, including expanding its global presence and continuing to offer extensive resources and networking opportunities to its members.


00:00 - Introduction
02:08 - Meet Our Guest: Dr. Jos van den Berg
05:42 - Deep Dive into CLI Global Society
07:53 - Exploring the Impact and Initiatives of CLI Global Society
14:42 - Challenges and Differences of CLI Management in Europe
21:08 - Innovations and Future Endeavors in CLI Treatment
23:45 - Closing Thoughts and the Importance of Membership


CLI Global Society:

Multidisciplinary CLI Network (MCLIN) Global CLI LIVE Meeting (every 2nd Friday of the month, 7am EST):

AMP CLI Meeting:

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Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI) Condition Overview

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