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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #520

Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization

with Dr. Yuji Okuno

Musculoskeletal embolization is generating significant excitement in the field of chronic pain management. In this episode, Dr. Jacob Fleming hosts a discussion with Dr. Yuji Okuno from Japan, a pioneer in both basic science and clinical practice within the field of musculoskeletal embolization.

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Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization  with Dr. Yuji Okuno on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 520 Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization with Dr. Yuji Okuno
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2025, February 25). Ep. 520 – Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Yuji Okuno discusses Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization  on the BackTable 520 Podcast

Dr. Yuji Okuno

Dr. Yuji Okuno is an interventional radiologist and the chief director of Okuno Clinic in Japan.

Dr. Jacob Fleming discusses Frontiers in Musculoskeletal Embolization  on the BackTable 520 Podcast

Dr. Jacob Fleming

Dr. Jacob Fleming is a diagnostic radiology resident and future MSK interventional radiologist in Dallas, Texas.


The conversation delves into Dr. Okuno's groundbreaking work using embolization to treat chronic pain from conditions such as frozen shoulder, knee osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, and various sports injuries. Dr. Okuno discusses the development of new temporary embolic agents and compares different approaches to embolization treatments, including the innovative use of antibiotics as embolic material. The doctors also cover the intriguing concept of differential recanalization, where abnormal inflammatory vessels are less likely to recanalize than normal vessels after embolic treatment. Identifying hypervascularity through MRI, ultrasound, or angiogram is a crucial step before attempting embolization.

Overall, Dr. Okuno offers valuable insights into his clinical practice and the potential for groundbreaking advancements in musculoskeletal care worldwide.


00:00 - Introduction
01:54 - Origins of Embolization for Pain
04:15 - Basic Science Research Discoveries and Clinical Trials
09:02 - Temporary Embolic Materials
15:28 - Techniques for Embolization
17:33 - Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
24:04 - Future of Embolization in Sports Injuries
28:11 - Diagnostic Imaging in Embolization
36:10 - Global Expansion and Collaborations

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Osteoarthritis Condition Overview

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