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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #525

Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board

with Dr. Gabe Schnickel, Dr. Adam Burgoyne, Dr. Heather Patton and Dr. Sid Padia

Do you ever wish you could be a fly on the wall at a tumor board meeting? In this episode of BackTable, we’re excited to give you an insider’s view of the real case discussions that take place during hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) tumor boards. Host Dr. Zach Berman sits down with a multidisciplinary team, including Drs. Adam Burgoyne (medical oncologist), Heather Patton (hepatologist), Siddharth Padia (interventional radiologist), and Gabriel Schnickel (transplant and hepatobiliary surgeon).

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This podcast is supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals and Boston Scientific.

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals
Boston Scientific
Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board with Dr. Gabe Schnickel, Dr. Adam Burgoyne, Dr. Heather Patton and Dr. Sid Padia on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 525 Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board with Dr. Gabe Schnickel, Dr. Adam Burgoyne, Dr. Heather Patton and Dr. Sid Padia
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2025, March 14). Ep. 525 – Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Gabriel Schnickel discusses Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board on the BackTable 525 Podcast

Dr. Gabriel Schnickel

Dr. Gabriel Schnickel is a transplant and hepatobiliary surgeon and professor at UC San Diego in California.

Dr. Adam Burgoyne discusses Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board on the BackTable 525 Podcast

Dr. Adam Burgoyne

Dr. Adam Burgoyne is a gastrointestinal / hepatobiliary oncologist and associate clinical professor with Ochsner Health in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Dr. Heather Patton discusses Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board on the BackTable 525 Podcast

Dr. Heather Patton

Dr. Heather Patton is a transplant hepatologist and professor of medicine with UC San Diego in California.

Dr. Siddharth Padia discusses Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board on the BackTable 525 Podcast

Dr. Siddharth Padia

Dr. Sid Padia is an interventional radiologist at UCLA in Los Angeles, California.

Dr. Zach Berman discusses Principles to Practice: An HCC Tumor Board on the BackTable 525 Podcast

Dr. Zach Berman

Dr. Zachary Berman is an interventional radiologist at the University of California San Diego in San Diego, California.


The team walks through a range of diverse HCC cases, reviewing patient histories, imaging, and treatment options. They cover eight cases in total, each featuring patients with varying treatment histories, comorbidities, liver function, and lesion characteristics. For the full educational experience, we recommend watching the video format on our YouTube channel.


00:00 - Introduction
00:47 - Case 1: Small Lesion in a Young Patient
05:01 - Case 2: Moderate Sized Lesion in an Older Patient
11:10 - Case 3: Multifocal HCC with Dominant Lesion
21:09 - Case 4: Dominant Lesion with Portal Hypertension
32:08 - Case 5: Ruptured Solitary Lesion
34:34 - Case 6: Rupture with Multifocal Lesions
44:08 - Case 7: Portal Vein Invasion
52:12 - Case 8: Metastatic HCC After Transplant


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