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BackTable / VI / Podcast / Episode #92

Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2)

with Dr. Justin Lee

Interventional Radiologist Justin Lee tells us about his approach to treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), including how this has changed over his years in private practice. This is part two of a two part series.

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Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2) with Dr. Justin Lee on the BackTable VI Podcast)
Ep 92 Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2) with Dr. Justin Lee
00:00 / 01:04

BackTable, LLC (Producer). (2020, October 29). Ep. 92 – Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2) [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from

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Podcast Contributors

Dr. Justin Lee discusses Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2) on the BackTable 92 Podcast

Dr. Justin Lee

Dr. Justin Lee is a practicing interventional radiologist at Radiology Associates of Florida in Tampa, FL.

Dr. Christopher Beck discusses Interventional Oncology in Private Practice (Part 2) on the BackTable 92 Podcast

Dr. Christopher Beck

Dr. Chris Beck is a practicing interventional radiologist with Regional Radiology Group in New Orleans.


In this episode, Dr. Justin Lee joins Dr. Christopher Beck to discuss hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and interventional oncology in private practice. Dr. Lee tells us how he frames his HCC patients and works with medical oncologists for treatment plans and procedures.

We talk about the importance of IR bringing cases to the tumor board, the evolution of cases involving ablation, and why Dr. Lee started moving towards radioembolization (Y90). We review how to approach HCC cases while working with medical oncologists.

We examine the differences between using resin and glass for radioembolization and when they should be used. Dr. Lee shares why IR should start looking into arterial drug delivery for immunotherapies.


NEJM: Atezolizumab plus Bevacizumab in Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma
This paper, mentioned by Dr. Lee, discusses the third phase of an HCC trial.

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Hepatocellular Carcinoma Condition Overview
Learn about Interventional Oncology on BackTable VI
TACE Procedure Steps & Treatment
Y90 Radioembolization Procedure Prep

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