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Connect with your physician audience
Advertise on an engaging educational platform with a dedicated physician following.
For over four years, BackTable has provided the medical community with an on-demand platform of peer-to-peer education to improve healthcare and promote industry innovation. New to podcast marketing? Check out our complete guide on the Benefits of Podcast Advertising to learn more.
Tune your message to your specialty
Reach the right physicians.
Our target audience is your target audience. BackTable Shows are tuned towards specific sub-specialties and specific practice topics so that your message lands with the right group of physicians. Download the BackTable Media Kit to learn more about sponsorship programs and the BackTable listenership.
Measure your impact
Understand spend and attribution better with validated metrics.
As a BackTable partner, you get access to reporting tools that track the impact of your sponsored content. Our Podcast measurements are accredited by the International Advertising Bureau (IAB), so you can see the real impact of your podcast campaigns.